CAP Mourns the loss of former National Chief Robert Bertrand
It’s with profound sadness that the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP) has learned that one of its most significant leaders, former National Chief Robert Bertrand passed yesterday, May 17th.
Chief Bertrand was instrumental in the historic Daniel’s Decision – a 17 year long legal battle with the federal government that cemented Ottawa’s responsibility for Métis and Non-Status Indians. Chief Bertrand helped usher in a new era for CAP’s constituency that continues to unfold to this day. He spent his career serving people, as MP for Pontiac—Gatineau—Labelle and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Defence before leading CAP as National Chief.
“My predecessor’s work will forever live to serve Off-Reserve First Nations, Métis and Southern Inuit,” says current CAP National Chief Elmer St. Pierre. “He will be dearly missed.”
Media Contact:
Nigel Newlove
Director of Media Relations
The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples is the national voice representing the interests of Métis, status and non-status Indians, and Southern Inuit Indigenous People living off-reserve. Today, over 80% of Indigenous people live off-reserve.