Funding and Assistance for Skills Training
The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP) provides funding and assistance for training and skills development to Non-Status Indians (First Nations), Status Indians, Eastern Métis, and Southern Inuit, living off reserve in Canada who are members of CAP's provincial affiliate organizations.
How to Apply
To apply for skills and employment training funding, complete the Client Application. For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact the ISET National Training Coordinator, Fineen Davis, at:
What we Provide
1) Employment counseling
Employment counseling includes career assessments, career planning, choosing a training institution/college etc.
2) Skills training funding
Skills trainings funding includes tuition for college or accredited skills training certificates and diplomas.
3) Training supports
Training supports can provide tutoring, books, training supplies, training equipment, and referrals to other supports.
4) Job search assistance
Job search includes assistance preparing resumes, searching for a job, and preparing for job interviews.
Individuals in their final year of university can be funded for tuition and books. The CAP ISET may also fund wage subsidies after skills training for those who require job experience to gain employment. Individuals who wish to enter the labour market via self-employment may also be assisted (i.e., skills training to operate a home business, business planning etc.). Employed persons stuck in low-skill/low-paying jobs, part-time jobs, or facing a future loss of employment can be assisted.
Please note that applications can take up to 6 weeks to review and be approved, so it is recommended to apply to ISET within enough time before your training begins.
Skills Training Projects
The CAP ISET program funds organizations and institutions for skills training projects across Canada. A call for proposals is typically issued in January for projects that begin activity as of April. Priority will be given to projects that:
- Provides skills training that results in provincially-accredited or industry-recognized certification
- Provides skills training that leads to employment for participants
- Targets Métis, status and Non-status Indians, and Southern Inuit Indigenous People living off-reserve in Canada.
- Includes a focus on priority vulnerable groups (i.e., single parents, youth at risk, clients with multiple barriers, etc.)
- Addresses identified or forecasted labour market shortages
- Includes partnerships and/or in-kind contributions
For more information on skills training projects, please contact Sarah Mitchell at
The ISET program is designed to help Aboriginal Peoples prepare for, and find quality high-demand jobs and careers. The program is funded through Employment and Social Development Canada’s ISET program. The CAP ISET program targets Aboriginal Peoples living in urban, rural and remote areas throughout Canada and focuses on Non-Status Indigenous peoples, Métis, and Southern Inuit, living off reserve in Canada. Priority is given to Aboriginal youth, single parents, persons with disabilities, women, and mature workers experiencing career change or transition.